Like you, we have a soft spot for good design, crafts and refined cooking.
The nomax kitchen is our signature piece.
Designed with Scandinavian logic and Italian sexiness for the discerning chef.

kitchen island︎
‘We are inspired by natural and warm materials.
Every piece we create becomes more beautiful over time’
Every knob, handle, board and shelf is handmade,
approved and admired by humans.

When I drink a cup of coffee in the morning, I can still look at my kitchen and be really happy with it."

Davy Schellemans, Chef at restaurant Veranda Antwerp.


People with Nomax kitchens love craftmanship.
The craft that is needed to build a high quality kitchen and love for authentic cooking.
Every year we ask Nomax chefs for their signature dish.
‘We didn't want a simple white or black kitchen.  It had to clash!’

An Bogaerts, Chief Editor Trends magazine.

‘Like PJMARES in touch with primal feelings and keen on superb executions.’ 

Adam Wiltzie,
Composer & Founder of A Winged Victory for the Sullen
& Stars of the Lid.

‘Sometimes I put a chair in front of my kitchen to look at the marble.
It's just like a painting.’

Tom Anthoni, Digital Wizard at Dickytall.